Can I Paint My Neighbours Fence?

We often hear of neighbours denying each other when it comes to painting your/their garden fences!

Unsightly Fence Issues
Unsightly Fence Issues

If you do not own the wall, then you MUST get permission before you get the paint pot and paintbrush out. In general, you own the left side of your fence.

So, if the right side is new, looking shabby and needs a thorough good paint or stain, then you should speak with your neighbour before you start.

In most cases, the neighbour should agree just as long as it is not a drastic colour or stain! If you get a NO, what can you do?

There are not many options when you get denied. You could offer a payment; we know this has settled many fence painting disputes previously.

But another option is to build your fence in front of your neighbour’s fence!

Build Another Fence!

By law, you can erect your fence in front of your neighbour’s fence, but it must not be above 6 feet.

Building your own is an extreme option, but if neighbours being awkward/unreasonable about this common neighbour dispute, then it sometimes becomes the ONLY option.

The downside to building your fence is you will lose around 5/6 inches of land and the cost of materials such as posts and fence panels.

Be Polite and Courteous

Here at Wezaggle, we always advise our readers to be courteous and polite when asking a neighbour to paint your side of their fence.

You will get a better response and many reasonable neighbours will agree. Explain that their wall is an eyesore and it will not cost them anything.

Neighbour Disputes - Law and Practises
Neighbour Disputes – Law and Practises

Neighbours Fence Needs Repair or Leaning Over

If the wall or fence is in such a way that it might collapse or fall over, you should contact your local council and explain that your neighbour’s fence needs repairing.

They will make contact and politely ask them to replace it based on health and safety.

Check if Property is Rented, Council-Owned Or Housing Associated

Always double check if the properties rented, if its rented contact the agency or landlord if they say no to painting their fence.

The same applies to council or housing association properties!

If you are successful then we have mentioned the best fence paints for a paint job to last!

Good luck;)

0 thoughts on “Can I Paint My Neighbours Fence?”

  1. Is there any type of oil I can treat a fence with which would repel paint? My neighbour has painted my fence twice (with brown wood stain or creosote or something similar) this year without my permission and with no prior warning. He has done not only his side but the top and allowed paint to drip down. My side is pale green but he’s painted his side and the top a very dark brown despite my having recently painted it green. The tops of the posts and the top of the fence are now brown instead of green. He has used a big brush which has caused it to splash all over. He did it in April. I repainted my side and the top again two weeks ago to cover up the splashes and smudges he had made in April but only two weeks later he has done it again splashing it and smudging it again. I hardly have any paint left and can’t use it in temperatures under 10 degrees as, according to the instructions on the tin it will not dry and just wash off if the temperature is too low. I had a new adjoining fence put up only nine days before his latest painting and the paint has gone onto the new fence which I didn’t want dark brown paint anywhere near. Can I oil it? Would Swedish oil or yacht varnish repel the type of paint he has used. Alternatively is there any kind of wax I could spray onto it?
    I think the problem has arisen because before I bought the house three years ago, the previous owner died and her heirs had tenants in it for six years before they sold it to me, during this time I think he did whatever he liked knowing that they were only tenants and not the owner.

  2. Is there any type of oil I can treat a fence with which would repel paint? My neighbour has painted my fence twice (with brown wood stain or creosote or something similar) this year without my permission and with no prior warning. He has done not only his side but the top and allowed paint to drip down. My side is pale green but he’s painted his side and the top a very dark brown despite my having recently painted it green. The tops of the posts and the top of the fence are now brown instead of green. He has used a big brush which has caused it to splash all over. He did it in April. I repainted my side and the top again two weeks ago to cover up the splashes and smudges he had made in April but only two weeks later he has done it again splashing it and smudging it again. I hardly have any paint left and can’t use it in temperatures under 10 degrees as, according to the instructions on the tin it will not dry and just wash off if the temperature is too low. I had a new adjoining fence put up only nine days before his latest painting and the paint has gone onto the new fence which I didn’t want dark brown paint anywhere near. Can I oil it? Would Swedish oil or yacht varnish repel the type of paint he has used. Alternatively is there any kind of wax I could spray onto it?
    I think the problem has arisen because before I bought the house three years ago, the previous owner died and her heirs had tenants in it for six years before they sold it to me, during this time I think he did whatever he liked knowing that they were only tenants and not the owner.


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