Do Air Purifiers Remove Dust?

Do Air Purifiers Remove Dust

Photo: Samsung

Dust gets everywhere, all the time and by the time you are done cleaning, you can usually expect another layer of it. However, if we want to properly answer how air purifiers can help us with it, we need to know where dust comes from and what air purifiers can do to deal with it. Which is what we’ll be looking into next.

What is Dust Made of?

At its most basic level, dust is the general dirt that accumulates in our house. And a fair percentage of it amounts to our dead cells, hair and other animal leftovers, which can come from our pets or even pests.

However, even indoor dust has an outside component, up to two-thirds of the dust that piles up in our households comes from our clothes, shoes, and windows, so the actual composition of your dust can vary a lot.

However, given everything we know it’s safe to say that dust is in general not something we want to share much time with.

What is Dust made of?


How Does Dust Effect Our Health?

Dust can have various effects on our health, and while the specific symptoms vary by its composition, there are some that all forms of dust will trigger. Some of the most common symptoms of inhaling dust are irritation, sneezing, and can trigger allergies as well as asthma attacks.

Breathing in high concentrations of dust over a lifetime can in general diminish your lung function and with it worsen any respiratory condition you might have.

Dust on its own won’t cause any major diseases, but exposure makes it so that you are at a bigger risk of developing them, and in the case, you already have a condition it’ll only make it worse on a day-to-day basis.

Do Air Purifiers Remove Dust?

How Does Dust Effect on Our Health

Photo: Xiaomi

Air purifiers are great at reducing dust and can get rid of most indoor dust, but you probably want to know the reasoning behind it. As you might know by now air purifiers work by capturing air and filtering. What this ultimately means is that air purifiers can capture both the airborne dust that has yet to pile up, and reduce the dust covering your floor to a degree too.

However, the key feature of an air purifier is its sheer efficiency, particularly if you choose the right model. An air purifier with a HEPA filter can capture up to 99% of the particles in the air, and for sizes as small as 0.3 microns. What this means is that even if dust particles can be imperceptible for us, our air purifier is still hard at work catching all the dust it can.

Provided you keep your air filter constantly circulating air on its designated area you can expect a notorious reduction of dust and with it the accompanying health boost you desire. Air purifiers in general are designed solely for capturing harmful airborne particles before they get to affect your health, so their efficiency at capturing dust as well should come as no surprise.

At the end of the day, air purifiers are one of the best ways to get rid of dust before it accumulates. The simple fact is that it’s impossible to prevent it from getting into your home, but a filter can catch it before it becomes harmful. That’s why a good filter that can catch it in the air is largely your best bet.