Do I Need Planning Permission For A Garden Shed?

If you are planning to erect a “standard” wooden shed in your garden then you do not need planning permission.

Planning Permission - Garden Sheds
Planning Permission – Garden Sheds

But, if you are building a block-shed or a more elaborate garden shed then you might need planning permission.

If you build a shed and it’s too big or too far from your property then you might need to apply for planning permission.

Building a large shed close to a boundary wall or over the required 2.5metres then you will be forced to take it down with a removal order!

When Is Planning Permission Required?

Listed below are the parameters you will need to adhere to if you are going to avoid a planning application to your local council.

  1. Keep your shed below 2.5m in height (eves)
  2. Floor area is over 30m2
  3. Do not compromise your neighbour’s boundary line
  4. Single story (only one level)
  5. No raised platform or balconies
  6. Must not cover more than 50% of your garden
  7. Listed/protected buildings need planning
  8. No antennas or cookings equipment
  9. Must not be self-contained
  10. No toilet system

In recent years planning permission has been relaxed in the UK, but you must adhere to the points above.

If you build bigger then you will end up with a big fine and a removal order to take your new shed down!


Most of the time as long as your not building a double-storey outhouse then you do not need planning.

Most homeowners will have a shed or storage box for storing their garden equipment and tools.

If you’re building a place to live or as a spare room then you are crossing a fine line that will result in a removal order!

0 thoughts on “Do I Need Planning Permission For A Garden Shed?”

  1. Hi,
    Great site and informative, my question is, does 2 stakes in the ground say 300 mm from a boundary
    fence already at 2mtrs with a trellis (300 mm) fixed so we can transfer our climbers and add some privacy due to an extension!


  2. Hi,
    Great site and informative, my question is, does 2 stakes in the ground say 300 mm from a boundary
    fence already at 2mtrs with a trellis (300 mm) fixed so we can transfer our climbers and add some privacy due to an extension!



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