What Are The Best Screws For Decking Boards & Joists?

If you are planning your own DIY decking project then you MUST use the right screws for the job. Not just any screw will do. Cheap screws will snap and rust in no time once they get wet and rust.

Screws and Joist Hangers
Screws and Joist Hangers

That is why you must use stainless steel screws for your boards to stay flat and your joist and posts to hold strong!

If you settle for anything less then your DIY decking project is doomed to fail.

Joist and Post Screws

If you are using hangers or screws to fix your joists together with the frame then you must use a decent stainless steel screw.

We would recommend 6-inch screws for joist to frame and 2-inch screws for hangers.

  • 6-inch screws for joist to frame
  • 2-inch screws for hangers
  • Thickness 6/7mm

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Decking Boards Screws

Screws for decking boards(1)
Screws for decking boards(1)

Decking screws must hold down a board and either be countersunk or screwed in the groove so it cannot be seen unless you have a closer look.

A professional decking layer will know that using the right screw makes all the difference to the finished result.

You do NOT want to see screw heads visible and sticking out the top of your boards. Here are the right screws to hold down decking boards:

  • Double countersunk screws
  • 4 1/2 – inches 65mm
  • Stainless steel
  • 40-degree head

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Using the right screws for your decking project from start to finish is key to the perfect job.

If you are thinking about cutting costs and using screws of inferior quality then you might as well buy some glue and use that.

A quality structure and decking screw will improve the stability and length of your decking project.

For ideas on decking accessories, decking oils, planning, boards then we have a wide selection of guides to help you succeed.

Happy Decking 😉

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