What Goes Good With Cornbread – 12 Tasty Combos You Should Know

What Goes Good With Cornbread

Cornbread in itself may seem too mundane and dull as a solo dish. But do you know that it is one of the most versatile breads that can be used in plenty of ways to create some uniqueness in your meals.

The most wonderful thing is that cornbread can be used in many ways. It can be consumed as such or served as a side dish, accompanying various scrumptious meals.

If you feel inspired and want to know more about the amazing things that you can do with cornbread then keep reading.

Cornbread in Different Dishes

Cornbread in Different Dishes

Photo: sweetsavant.com

Cornbread makes a perfect core ingredient for many of the lip-smacking snacks and delicacies that you enjoy every day. Here are some of the most popular dishes that have cornbread as the prime ingredient.

1. Bacon Strip Cornbread Cake

All corn lovers will agree with us that there is nothing more special than cornbread cake. Also, you don’t need to put in a lot of time and efforts to bake it.

Interestingly, you can make this cake sweet and serve as dessert or make a savoury, depending on what you put inside the cake. Well, you can also make a fine evening snack out of it using bacon strips.

People who enjoy crunchy snacks will find this dish quite intriguing. You have to bake the corn bread in the most authentic way, the way you do it. Just add some crispy bacon strips between the cake and your evening snack is ready to be consumed and enjoyed.

2. Jalapeno Cornbread Cake

Jalapeno cornbread cake is a very common recipe. You can make it while having your friends over on evening tea. It is very simple to make and the taste is unforgettable.

It gives a very subtle sour flavor. If you want to break the monotony and serve something extraordinary that does not take a lot out of you then this recipe is a masterpiece.

3. Cornbread Casserole 

Holidays are special. It is important that you make them even delightful by baking something that everyone likes. A cornbread casserole can never go wrong with such expectations.

There is no right or wrong with a cornbread casserole. You can go as creative as you want to. You can serve it on thanksgiving along with the show stealer turkey.

To add some savouries, adding some ground beef and tacos to the casserole will also work fantastically. Adding some cream and cheese to it will be a perfect addition and will make an amazing side dish.

It looks just perfect to serve your friends and loved ones on a special occasion.

4. Fried Cornbread

Have you ever heard about cornbread croutons? Well, for many people, it is the best comfort food that make their days delightful. With minimum efforts required, you can create something healthy and delicious. It is also a quick snack for your kids.

For this, you need leftovers of the cornbread and cut them into tiny pieces. You can use the oven or stove to fry the cornbread chunks. Add the vegetables that you like. You can add beans, tomatoes, and various other veggies.

Simply fry the whole thing and eat. This is the easiest and a healthy quick meal that you can prepare in minimal time.

Cornbread For Kids

Cornbread For Kids

On the busy days when you find yourself struggling between home and work, it becomes difficult to be creative with the meals. However, kids are very demanding as far as food is concerned. They have to be tricked in eating something healthy and full of taste.

Here are some ideas on how you can serve meals accompanied by cornbread

1. Cornbread with Cheese

When you serve cornbread solo to your kids, their reaction is not so pleasant. Well, if only you can add some wonderful cheese to it, the bread will be accepted more delightfully.

It doesn’t matter what cheese you are willing to put on the cornbread, as far as your kid love that cheese. If you want to go with a classic option then simply use cheese spread and use it on cornbread to make a simple yet delicious snack for your child.

2. Milk and Cornbread

Kids running late for school? Well, on the busy morning when you don’t have time to be experimental with your kid’s breakfast, simply serve them a cup of warm milk with a slice of cornbread. It is a great way to start your day.

3. Scrambled Eggs with Cornbread

Most kids love to eat scrambled eggs. Well, you can make their experience even better by add a slice of cornbread to it. This will give them the desired protein and is also extremely delicious to eat.

4. Butter or Jam with Cornbread

Honestly, you can use cornbread just like any other bread category such as white bread or brown bread. Having it with butter will only make your experience more delightful.

You can also add some jelly or jam on the bread. It is more popular among kids than adults. This is the easiest dish that you can prepare using cornbread, and it never goes wrong with the kids.

5. Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a great accompanist with cornbread. The crunch in cornbread will add wonderfully to the flavor. It doesn’t necessarily have to be chicken soup, but any variety of soup will go great with the cornbread.

However, we would say that creamy soups don’t make a very good combination with cornbread. You can serve it while serving three-course meals to the guests or kids.

Cornbread for Party Snacks

Cornbread for Party Snacks

Photo: cargillgroundbeef.com

When you have to prepare food on special occasions or to impress someone, here are some fantastic ways to use cornbread and make something unique.

1. Cornbread with Pork Dishes

Pork dishes are served with some kind of bread. Well, instead of any other bread, you can serve them with cornbread. The corn flavor will make it more palatable, especially when paired with red meat.

There are different pork dishes that you can try with the cornbread. These dishes can be a simple barbecue pork, grilled cheese sandwich, pork chops, etc.  

You can replace mashed potatoes or rice with cornbread with the pork dishes. This will add some uniqueness and indulging taste to the meal.

2. Cornbread with Ground Beef

Ground beef is a kind of red meat that will taste best with cornbread. You can also use it as cornbread’s fillings and serve in the main course. Or, you can simply serve cornbread with red meat dish. You can find plenty of recipes to make this combination a perfect indulgent during meals.

Please note that this combination can be a bit heavy. Make sure to prepare rest of the dinner dishes accordingly. 

3. Barbecue Chicken

Potatoes and sautéed vegetables seem like the runners with barbecued meals. Well, you should give a try to cornbread as a side dish served with barbecue chicken. You are highly recommended trying this dish in all the fancy parties you host.


Cornbread has a lot of potential and because of its amazing taste, it can be served with a myriad of dishes. You can take the benefit for indulging your kids in good eating habits.

With the kind of experiments that you can do with the cornbread, you can genuinely entice the entire family to come together and enjoy homemade meals more frequently. Try adding cornbread with the dishes we have recommended and enjoy amazing meals every day.